I'll write more specifically about her birth story later...but for now, pictures!!
What can I say...we have large lips in our family |
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Daddy's girls :-) |
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Elizabeth LOVES Mary...HUGE wave of relief from me!!! |
I've got a lot of hot topic issues I want to write about in future blog posts, now that I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. But for now...this week's installment of Answer Me This from catholicallyear.com!
1. What do you still want to do this summer?
Well...the rest of my summer plans pretty much consist of nursing my newborn while making sure Elizabeth
2. What's your favorite kind of pie?
Strawberry Rhubarb |
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Chocolate Cream Pie |
Ok, I know, I know, the question only asks for one favorite. But food is kinda my thang, so I must answer three times. If you are looking for a creamy, delicious pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving, this is the ticket. Like the chocolate pie, it is a lot of work. You actually use fresh pumpkin. But it is SOOO good. I actually did a scientific test (what? me? SCIENCE? Yes, it's true!) to see which pie people prefer. I baked two identical pumpkin pies using this recipe, with only one difference: in one pie, I used fresh pumpkin. In the other, I used canned. Then I had about 10 people over, and they had a blind taste test and wrote down their thoughts about each pie, and which they preferred. 9/10 people preferred the fresh pumpkin. Sooooo it's official then...you must make pumpkin pie with fresh pumpkin! (Seriously, though, try this recipe...it's REALLY good)
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Pumpkin Pie |
3. How much sleep do you need each day? How much do you get?
Honestly...I don't know the answer to this question. I have a newborn, so my sleep is getting disrupted, but honestly I feel pretty good most days. Right now I'm getting about 6 hours of sleep per day, broken up into 2-3 hour chunks. So maybe 6 is the magic number for me.
4. Do you prefer to swim in a pool, lake, river, or ocean?
I think saltwater pools are the best. I love the ocean, but I'm kind of terrified of all the sea life that is potentially swimming underneath me. It doesn't stop me from swimming in the ocean, but still...in a pool, I know what's in there. There's lots of lakes where I live and I find them to be muddy, smelly, and gross. Rivers are pretty cool but I've never been in a river that's good to "swim" in...I'm more familiar with floating, canoeing, or kayaking rivers. Or dangerous don't-set-foot-in-that-river-unless-you're-completely-nuts type rivers.
5. Do you know any poems by heart?
Roses are red, violets are blue...pretty much the only one. I'm terrible with this sort of thing and as much as I hate to admit it, I have absolutely zero interest in poetry. I think it's a really great thing, and I admire people who can write it and appreciate it. But I'm kind of impatient with poetry because I feel like there's always some really deep meaning, and when I read, I just want to relax. Me=uncultured and lazy.
6. Do you use the public library?
Unfortunately, the city in which I live does not have a public library, so I have to pay for a library card from a nearby city if I want one. However, now that I have two babies, I'm going to get a library card soon because I absolutely love libraries. Especially the way they smell. Come on, don't say I'm weird...doesn't anyone else like the smell of libraries and old books??? ***cricket noises*** Anyone????
Yes on book smell. But more importantly, congratulations on your Mary Ellen. She's gorgeous!