Peter Mark Gutridge was born on August 18, 2023. Wait...the date today is December 1, 2024. Oops. Seems I write my birth stories later and later as each child is born. No worries, though...better late than never! I love you, Petey boy!
I learned about asking God for specific requests from my good friend (and Thomas's godmother) Trena during Thomas's pregnancy and birth. Although ultimately our primary prayer should be that we are open to whatever God wills for us, I learned that He loves it when we ask Him for what is truly on our heart...even the small, seemingly insignificant things. Trena asked me the date and time I wanted to give birth to I hesitantly said labor day weekend, 3pm.
He was born the Sunday of labor day weekend, 2:46pm.
Lesson learned.
So, for this pregnancy, my main request from literally everyone I knew was that I give birth on August 18th at noon. I even asked many strangers. Basically, if anyone brought up my pregnancy or asked me questions, I would then ask that person to pray that I give birth on August 18th at noon. People wondered if there was a specific feast day or holy reason that we wanted this date and time. was really just because it would work out perfectly for Trent's work schedule. We ran into a lot of snags and snafoos with the corporate rules of parental leave from his work, and if I gave birth too early or too late, his leave would be negatively affected. My due date was August 21, and I typically don't give birth early, but I thought maybe I'd just ask. Just in case Jesus wanted to bless us in this way :-)
The week approached. I felt...nothing. Not even prodromal labor, which I have experienced to an intense degree for the past 3 pregnancies. Just regular Braxton Hicks contractions every once in a nice, polite neighbor waving from their doorstep. I didn't want any nice, polite waving! I wanted the annoying, hammering at your door type of contractions, dang it! But...nothing.
August 17, the day before, I still felt nothing. I had a really wonderful day planned: confession, a prenatal massage, lunch with my parents and Nick, an appointment with my midwife, and a dinner date with Trent. I felt very strongly that I wanted to go to confession THAT DAY. Even though it seemed labor was not coming anytime soon. I went to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows to a priest I have never seen or met. I poured out my soul to him...shared my fears about giving birth and my inability to truly trust in God. I don't remember exactly what he said to me...but it was so healing that I sobbed like a baby in the confessional. I left the confessional feeling all my burdens lifted from me, and was assured in the knowledge that God loved me and my baby and was going to take care of us.
My mom, as she does for me during every pregnancy, had arranged for a prenatal massage on that day. I do believe that can do wonders to encourage labor to start. Plus, when your body is that tired from carrying around all that weight for so many months, it feels amazing. So I went to get my massage. The massage therapist we go to is very in tune with the body and gets "feelings" about things. I remember years ago when I was getting a massage from her, Trent and I were in the process of putting our house up for sale. It was going to go live that day. She said so confidently: "You're going to get an offer tonight". I remember feeling shocked by that statement because the market was not great. But..she was right, and we sold our house quickly.
As she was giving me the massage, I told her my hope and prayer was that I would give birth the next day. She paused for a few moments, shook her head, and said, "I just don't get the feeling that your body is ready. I think it's going to be next week." After an initial feeling of disappointment, I remember thinking: God created the universe...certainly, He can start labor for me tomorrow. I felt very confident in this thought, even though all the signs pointed to the fact that my body was indeed NOT ready, and it probably would be another week or two.
I ate a wonderful lunch with my parents and Nick and then went to my midwife appointment. We somewhat joked that our goal was that we would see her the next day, since my hope and prayer was that I would give birth that day. Since I was having no signs of labor coming and my body did not seem ready, the hope seemed unlikely. She said she was going to a Cardinals game the next evening, but maybe she'd be at my house instead if labor did kick in!
That night Trent took me to the Cheesecake Factory for a date and we walked around the galleria for awhile. A black woman saw how pregnant I was and made a comment. I asked her to please pray that I give birth the next day. "Honey," she said, "You're giving birth tomorrow night!" We laughed because she seemed so confident in her statement.
We went to bed, and still...nothing. Feeling a little bit disappointed, but filled with peace and joy from the wonderful day, I went to bed.
The next morning I woke up and sat outside on the porch to say my prayers. Gwen, our sweet and wonderful next door neighbor, asked if the baby was going to be born today? She knew that was my hope and had been praying. I told her I didn't think so, but that's okay, because God knows what's best for us!
Brooke, Trent's sister, came over to hang out that morning. I was at the stove preparing lunch for later that day. I think it was shrimp pasta. I noticed while I was at the stove that I was starting to have contractions. They were not super strong, but seemed to come every 10 to 15 minutes. I remembered that Thomas's labor had started out that way. I went to Walmart to do a grocery pickup and started to time the contractions. Every 10 to 15 minutes, on the dot. My mind started to get distracted and flighty, the way it always does when I'm in labor. Brooke decided to go. I told my midwife what was happening, but that I didn't think it was real labor. She told me to get in the tub and soak and relax. If the contractions kept coming even while in the tub, that would be a good sign that labor was actually happening.
While I was in the tub, Trent came in and asked if I should call my parents to come get the kids. I told him, even though the contractions kept coming while I was in the tub, that I didn't think it was real labor. Well, this isn't his first rodeo, so he skeptically nodded his head and said "...uh huh..." like he didn't believe me at all. We decided to text my parents and few other friends, telling them I'm having contractions, but that it's probably not real labor and it will probably stop.
At exactly noon (the time I had prayed for to give birth), I started to realize that this was probably real labor. We called my parents and asked them to come get the kids. I remember making energy bites (they get me through labor) as my dad was picking the kids up, and crying when they left.
As with Thomas's labor, the contractions got stronger, but stayed very far apart...about 10 to 15 minutes. This was, again, very frustrating and confusing to me. I was concerned that the same thing would happen this time as what happened last time: that all the sudden I would go through transition and the baby would come. So, at around 5pm, I asked the midwife to come, even though I didn't think birth was imminent.
We went with a different midwife this time. We were uncomfortable with our last midwife because she was so flaky about showing up to appointments and didn't bring an assistant with her during the birth, which we felt was unsafe. It also felt like pulling teeth to get her to come when the baby was about to be born. This midwife was completely different. She said ANYTIME I wanted her to come, she would be there. She came around 5 and stayed with me as labor dragged on.
Trent, who had found a men's workout program called F3, was a different man from the last time I gave birth. Without going into great detail, F3 was an answered prayer for us and completely changed him. He now had a strong, sculpted body and an attitude of self sacrifice for his family that he had never before had. So, during my contractions, he would do a plank and hold it so he could suffer with me. I thought this was so sweet...until the contractions started to get very strong. It told him to please stop doing the planks and just come be with me to help me get through the contractions.
The night dragged on, and contractions were STILL not close together. Finally, at around 8 or 9pm, my midwife discovered that: surprise! I had a cervical lip. The only natural labor I've had without a cervical lip was Rose, and her labor was SO fast and easy. So, here we go again. Around 10:30pm, she pushed the lip back. Again, it was horrible, but at that point I wanted to just GET THIS BABY OUT. The pain got worse, and my water broke. This time, interestingly, my body did not take over and push like it had in the past. I was out of my mind and kept asking what I was supposed to do. The midwife told me to start pushing, so I did. I pushed nonstop for a long time (due to all those years of oboe playing, I am very good at pushing and not breathing for extended periods of time), so she told me to stop and take a breath. Then, during the next push, I screamed "THIS IS TERRIBLE! THIS IS TERRIBLE!"And out came the sweet, brown haired little baby. He didn't cry right away, and I asked if he was okay. But after some rubbing, he cried! We looked, and Trent laughed: "It's a BOY!" 3rd boy in a row! He was born at 10:46pm on August 18...the day that I had prayed for!
I got out of the labor tub and went into bed. The midwife gave me pitocin since I was bleeding a bit more than normal. The ultrasound tech had found a fibroid in my uterus, which can increase likelihood of hemorrhage, so we knew we were going to play it super safe. The after birth contractions were horrible, but I was done! I did it! And I was holding my sweet new baby boy. What a gift! What a wonderful gift!
I didn't sleep much that night...just having this new baby next to me was such an overwhelming and wonderful feeling. The next morning, Trent wanted to go to confession and Mass. We STILL had not picked out a name. When he came back, he said he had decided. He wanted a strong, masculine saint for our son to look up to. Since Trent had found F3 that year and had a real conversion of heart and soul and learned what true masculinity and fatherhood was about, this was important to him. He was moved by the life of St. Peter and his example of strong leadership in a unlikely source. So Peter it was! But what about the middle name? At this point in our conversation, I was so tired I was falling asleep. At one point I said "Please Trent...just pick something". We decided upon Mark, another strong disciple. Also a nod to Peter's godfather, Mark, and my late Uncle Mark who I was always very close to growing up.
The most exciting thing that week was that the gospel for the Sunday after his birth was about Christ renaming Simon: You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church". We had no idea the next few weeks of readings would be all about St. Peter. It was really neat. When my mom heard the gospel at church, she burst out crying. Peter's Birth has given us all a newfound devotion to St. Peter!
So now, we have our sweet Petey boy who brings us more joy than we can imagine. He is part of our family in a way that we could never imagine our family without him. We wonder what he will be like, God willing, as he grows into a man. No one can resist his chubby, cute cheeks. We are so grateful for the gift of Peter!